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Whoop whoop!!
Debrief of travel day + Life so far here in The Bode!

It’s only been 3 weeks. WOW and the Lord has taught me so much. I can’t even imagine the next 7 more months I have left of this opportunity, a fever dream it will feel like I’m sure.

To start with, travel day mayhem! Well… daysss.
We left Gainesville, GA, early afternoon October 14 to head to the Atlanta airport! We got on our flight that evening.
The majority of our squad was on a one flight that had a layover in Istanbul, Turkey. The flight was 10 hours from the states over to Turkey. Minus 6 of the racers were on another flight that had a layover in Doha, Qatar. That flight being 13 hours.
Our layover in Istanbul wasn’t long at all maybe 3 hours. Turkey was beautiful, at least what I could see from the inside of the airport. There wasn’t much you could really see to be honest. They did however have a Starbucks! I tried coffee from one of the different coffee vendors though, and I was sad that I wasn’t really a fan of it. Others though loved it!
We got onto our next flight that was heading to Bangkok, Thailand for yet another layover. Also yet another 10 hour flight. Trust that I slept for both ten hour flights!!
Our whole squad was completely reunited in Thailand. Our layover was 12 hours so we got the chance to use that time up outside of the airport and around the city. The airport wasn’t actually in Bangkok but was an hour away, so technically, I wasn’t in actual Bangkok.
A group of us explored around a local mall and had to learn how to get an Uber to Uber us around the city.
We also had Thailand McDonald’s, way better than American McDonald’s! I had a grand ole time!
Last flight FINALLY!! It was only an hour. By this time it was October 15 in the states but was the 16th for us.. I think, it was kind of a time zone blur to me.
Once we got to Cambodia we had to fill out visa galore everything but then we were off to a hostel for the night and to our own ministry locations the next day!
My team and I are in Kampong Thom, Cambodia, serving as teachers aids to ‘The Good Seed International School’. We get to help teach classes everyday until we leave for Thailand in December!
It’s such a blessing that God has placed us here, there has been moments of just awe since we have gotten to interact with the other teachers and all the students. Even though I’m “Teacher Maddie” to them, I definitely feel like I’m the one being taught! I’ve learned so many things that are so different from the American schooling system, from the American culture in general. Something that stuck out right away was how patient and passive the Khmer people are. There is no aggression, no raising your voice. It’s very gentle and caring.
The markets are insane but incredible! It’s quite humbling not being able to drive to the grocery store or to the closest fast food to grab something. Oh yeah we also walk everywhere for the majority, that’s definitely something I’m getting used too. The Lord is working through me in the littlest ways. I’m learning quickly how grateful I am for insoles in shoes and cold water. Everything is freshly baked for the most part, in the bakery’s and at market! Fresh smoothies almost everyday! Ohhhh it’s so yummy, you have no idea!! Ugh I just love everything here even when it’s sweltering hot.

I’ve definitely seen Jesus all around me here, I hear Him in the laughter that fills the halls of the school. I see Him in the acts of service I witness of the people I pass on the streets. I see Him in the smiles of the ladies I buy pineapple from at the markets! He’s radiating everywhere and it’s encouraging beyond belief.
I’m in the part of the world that they call the 10-40 window, which is the coordinate window of the most unreached part of the world to hear the gospel.
These people don’t know of Jesus like American culture does, they don’t know of what he did or what he’s doing. It’s a spiritual shock for sure, but I can see the curiosity, I can see the opportunities. I can see them yearning for something more than what they have. They don’t even realize it but I know Jesus wants their hearts and I want to see that! I’m so thankful that God is allowing me to see that, to be apart of it!

Here’s a bit of my heart and thoughts the past couple weeks I’ve been here.

There’s a lyric from the song ‘New Wine’ by Hillsong Worship, it goes “God, I came here with nothing but all that you have given me”. That has been on my mind like crazy. I keep stressing that I’m not going to be able to reach these people, that I’m not going to have opportunities to spread the good news of the Lord. That I’m not this or I’m not going to do that. Then I remember, I’m literally on the opposite side of the world than my own, I’m living in a country I’ve only ever heard of from history books, surrounded by a language I only know maybe 5 words of. I quite literally came here with basically nothing other than what God provided for me to be here. God sent me here, he has a plan bigger than any of my stressors. I believe God is going to open doors here. I believe he is going to do what he planned to do and I’m merely just here to be apart of it, not to be the reason it happens.
He’s opening my eyes and humbling me very quickly. He stays humbling me lol.
The Lord and I share a really big love for the Khmer people and their gentle hearts. They’re definitely people that inspire and are quite admirable.

If you could pray for my team as we continue to serve and be the hands and feet of Christ here, pray for our safety, our walks with the Lord, our trust and faith to remain in the Lord and for our eyes to be fixed on Him while we live here. That we wouldn’t get caught up in the repetitive days and we would really love our ministry continuously here and never feel ourselves just going through the motions of the days absentmindedly. Pray for peace among us but to have a place of uncomfortability to constantly push us in our faith.

Thank you to everyone that has helped me get here and to the few still helping me fund my way through this! I appreciate you all so much!

Love, Madeline

2 responses to “The Bode & its beauty ☀️”

  1. I love this so much!! This part you wrote really resonates with me…
    “ I believe God is going to open doors here. I believe he is going to do what he planned to do and I’m merely just here to be apart of it, not to be the reason it happens.”

    So so good, and I’m learning this right now too!!

    Love you, miss you and praying for you❣️

  2. Ugh maddy you’re doing so awesome! I love hearing about your adventures! I’m so proud of you and think about you and what you’re doing every single day <3 my heart is so full for you!